estate agents across the UK used blogging to boost their sales instructions and consistently smash their sales targets…

(all achieved in just a few minutes per day)


Content for Estate Agents was born simply out of a genuine frustration at the lack of high quality on-demand content available to help independent estate agents promote themselves online.

With more than 17 years of running a business, we know first-hand that there are times when as the ‘wearer of many hats’ you simply cannot devote hours to every aspect of your estate agency. Somewhere along the line, different parts of your business are prioritised and the aspects that you cannot co-ordinate without some help, advice or intervention get unintentionally left behind. This is perfectly normal because every business owner wants to concentrate on what they do best. 

We know it’s easier to ignore the task than add it to your list of things to do!

But content marketing is vital for promoting your estate agency in this digital age and agents that don’t embrace this fact are about to find themselves left behind.

To be honest, for years, we too struggled to find the time to keep on top of our blog pages because, quite frankly, it can be a full-time job. That was until we started seriously planning ahead, we got organised and made sure we spent dedicated time creating a bank of articles on a monthly basis that we could pull from and add to our blog pages and then repurpose for our social media, newsletters and videos when required.

What this meant was that there was no longer that blind panic on blog post days – which incidentally should be twice a week if you really want to be on top of your game – where we wouldn’t be able to decide on a topic to write about so instead, we simply plucked a random, irrelevant subject from thin air, just to get something out there.

We have learned that there is no point in ‘filling space’. It doesn’t work.

Knowing exactly how frustrating it is to try and find the time and inclination to settle on a topic, then research it thoroughly, write decent content, source relevant images, edit and proofread – a process that can take a non-creative a couple of days at the very least, and that’s just for one article – we realised that independent estate agents would truly benefit from having reliable, anytime access to an on-demand library of industry and location relevant high quality articles.

We want you to be able to easily harness the power of content marketing for your estate agency.

We want you to drive more traffic to your estate agency effectively so that you become more profitable, without worrying about restrictions due to time, cost or ability, and that’s precisely what we have created for you in the form of Content for Estate Agents.


Satisfied Clients

Ongoing Projects

Cups Of Coffee

Frustrated estate agent
Frustrated estate agent trying to write blog content

does this sound like you?

You don’t know where to start when it comes to creating content that will help you win more valuations, leads and website traffic. 

You struggle with content creation, because it can be difficult to know what works best to attract more buyers and sellers.

You’re working hard, and you’re an amazing estate agent, but you feel like you’re not reaching your full potential. 

You’re not seeing the results you want. It can be frustrating when you’re putting in all this effort and not seeing the success. You feel like you’re doing everything right, but something is still holding you back.

It feels impossible to get more leads when you’re competing against other agents in your area. And it’s hard to generate website traffic when you are solely relying on the property portals.

what if i told you…

What if I told you that there is a way that you can win more instructions and become the go-to estate agent in your area? 


What if you could become the local expert estate agent?

The estate agent that every seller wants to instruct, simply by showcasing your industry knowledge and expertise?

Become an expert estate agent
estate agents win more instructions

Imagine starting every single day with a smile and a spring in your step, secure in the knowledge that today will be another busy day of leads!


Picture the scene. Imagine you arrive at your office at 8.45am, extra hot, steaming Americano in hand. You push open the door, and there are your team, comfortable at their workstations and smiling.

 This isn’t unusual. This is a normal occurrence. But on this particular Monday, the office is even more alive and buzzing than usual, because of the seven answerphone messages from potential sellers that have come in overnight. You’re smiling too because you know there will be another seven, eight, ten – hundreds more – of those leads coming in as the week progresses.

 You settle in to host your Monday morning meeting, and during the meeting, one of your team whispers to you that you have five valuations booked for the day. By the time you’ve finished the meeting, your team are already fielding more telephone calls and your diary is starting to bulge.

 At 10am you take a call from a potential seller insistent that they want you, and only you to sell their home. They have read your most recent blog post and have been following your social media posts for some time and are certain that you have the skills, the personality, the passion, the knowledge, and the expertise to sell their home.

 Imagine your reputation growing day after day and your team smashing their targets month after month. Your office is alive with positivity, excitement, and your appointments diary is bulging with new business.

 In fact, you’ve got sellers queuing up wanting to work with you, before they’ve even met you, because they have been reading your regular content.

 This doesn’t have to be an imaginary scenario. It could be you, from now on, if you take action.


Have a potential seller eating out of your hand before you’ve even stepped over the threshold

Get a steady flow of business for your agency that doesn’t cost the earth

Attract a consistent supply of inbound enquiries from potential sellers

Achieve a reputation in your area as the go-to expert

Have potential sellers calling you out for valuations first!

  • Branding – 90%
  • Sales – 77%
  • Happy Customers – 100%



Content for Estate Agents is the all-in-one content solution for busy estate agents who want to become the authority in their local area! 


We know that estate agents are incredibly busy people and often don’t have the time to write content for their website or blog. 


Adding relevant, engaging and location-targeted content to your website is a great way to attract more visitors and keep them coming back for more. Our content on subscription service provides you with all the content you need to do just that, and it’s easy to use – just a couple of clicks and you’re good to go!


You’ll get everything you need to show off your industry knowledge, reach your target audience easily and grow your business – without spending hours creating content yourself.


Content For Estate Agents takes the hard work out of content marketing, so you can focus on winning new instructions and attracting buyers, sellers, landlords and tenants. 


Plus, with all the content you need in one place, you’ll save time and energy too!




From OUR Clients

What our clients say…

“Recently connected with Amanda and signed up straight away. Good to have access to some decent content, written by someone who knows what they’re doing! And great you can order bespoke pieces as well. All in all, impressed so far!”

Emma Redley

Branch Manager, Keywest Estate Agents

“Content For has been a huge relief for my business, I understood how important content is but having weak English I was always putting it off. The content they provide is great, updated, and super easy to transfer to our website. Whenever I have had a question, Amanda has come back to me straight away. Great Company!”

David Michael

Director, David Michael Properties

“Amazing content, saves hours of time. Brilliant for engaging customers – would recommend for any forward-thinking Estate Agent.”

Carl King

Partner, Alex Jones Estate Agents

“The quality and variety of content available through my monthly subscription with is top-notch. I have been using the service for several months now and having affordable, premium articles on tap is a huge time-saver for me. The website is easy to use, with a large choice of articles to choose from. The customer service is also superb, with help and advice from Amanda readily available. I highly recommend.”

John Bird

Director, Thomas & Partners

Let’s get started!

 Join now! Don’t miss out on your constant stream of ready-to-go content which can be repurposed across your blog, social media, newsletters and e-guides.